What are the Issues of Education Development in New Zealand?

Many people view New Zealand as a country with abundant educational opportunities. Because they have a vast number of schools and educational assignment help websites such as “do my statistics homework” that aid students in completing their difficult tasks. But still, their education system is disrupted.
Well, the educational system in New Zealand is three tiers, elementary, intermediary, and secondary schools. Here, public schools are entirely funded for citizens and residents from the age of 5 to 19, and schooling is required for kids between the ages of 6 and 16. Also, there are private entities, where tuition and foundations provide the majority of funding.
Additionally, immigrants who fit the requirements for the kinds of education or job they can undertake while residing and working in New Zealand may apply for a study permit for their offspring. This enables children to continue their education while their parents are working or in college. They are not required to pay fees to join an elementary or secondary school because they are regarded as local students.
But still, too many students in this nation struggle with or cannot afford to school. Only 81% of children in this country who are in elementary school are attending school, and 19% or a little under 5th are not. Why is that so? What are the reasons behind it? Are you thinking the same? Then all your questions will be vanished through by reading this post. This piece will walk you through the five major issues of education development in New Zealand.
What Has Caused the Gap between New Zealand’s Education System?
Education is the primary medium through which New Zealanders learn about their culture and history. It is also one of the most important aspects of identifying, celebrating, and sustaining the country’s cultural identity.
It is the most important thing that every human being would like to have. Education is a process of learning and achieving knowledge and skills so that one can be able to live a full and healthy life. The question of education development in New Zealand is very important because many people cannot afford to go to school or university.
Education in New Zealand is generally regarded as being among the best in the world (Public Service Association of New Zealand). However, there are concerns that despite this, recent years have seen a decline in enrolments at publicly-funded primary and secondary schools, combined with a widening gap between the haves and have-nots when it comes to educational opportunities.
The issues of education development in New Zealand have never been more complicated. The number of students enrolling in a tertiary education institution is rapidly increasing, while simultaneously the funding levels are declining. This has caused a gap that can be classified as an education funding deficit in New Zealand. Educating our young people to become informed, useful and active participants in society is one of the fundamental obligations we owe to ourselves and future generations.
The Six Primary Issues of Education Development in New Zealand
1. Low Academic Performance
The first issue is about the quality of education, which is not good enough. The curriculum provided by the government is not enough to cover the different levels of the students. It’s not suitable for those who have higher levels of intelligence and knowledge.
2. Lack of Resources & Funding
Education development is in an early stage of progress and the cause for this is that New Zealand has not yet been successful in its mission to help the people of this country to live better. The funding for schools and colleges is not enough for them to develop the facilities and equipment that are necessary for learning and teaching. This makes it difficult for students to get a good education in their institutions.
Moreover, the school system has a lot of problems. Such as overcrowded classrooms, lack of resources, and teachers who are not qualified or experienced enough to deal with the problems that they face every day.
3. The Role of Parents and Community in Education Development
Parents should be involved in their children’s education. Because if they are not interested then it will be hard for them to get through school and make something out of themselves later on in life when they leave school.
4. Lack of Scholarship Programs
The government should also have some kind of system where students can apply for scholarships or grants. So that they can pay for their education without having to take out loans from the bank which could potentially lead to student loan debt later on down the line. Which could affect your credit rating negatively!
5. Low Salaries
The fifth issue is about the teachers’ salaries, which are too low compared with other countries around the world. Other teachers are paid more than New Zealanders because they have high qualifications and experience in the teaching profession.
Whereas, here they just got a diploma or certificate from some training classes like Teacher’s College. But they don’t have any experience in the teaching profession so they can’t get a better salary compared with others who have more experience than them. Such as foreign teachers or university professors who come here every year to teach students until their contracts expire.
Final Note
No student should be allowed to graduate from school without having received a quality education and worthwhile experiences. Being educated can help you escape poverty. It equips kids with the knowledge and abilities they need to thrive in the community. A quality education may open up a world of options and provide them with the tools they need to overcome adversity.
Additionally, not just good schooling matters in the enhancement of education but a tutoring website or homework assistance also matters. Therefore, if you need any help with your difficult class assignments then opt for international law assignment help because they provide excellent coursework services.
BAW.2018. What is the ratio and demand of teachers in UK’s education system? Online Available at: https://bestassignmentwriter.co.uk/blog/what-is-the-ratio-and-demand-of-teachers-in-uk-education-system/ (Accessed: 29 October 2022).
McLaren, I. A. (2018). Education in a small democracy: New Zealand. Routledge.
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